4th Kyu - Orange Belt
Physical presentation
A karate-ka must have a clear understanding of all technques presented.
Maximum speed is not required but power must be applied to all techniques.
Hip rotation must be applied. Strong effort, spirit and concentration must be shown at all times.
Upper/lower body separation is acceptable, but a reduction is recommended.
A karate-ka must also demonstrate a basic understanding of dojo etiquette, attitude and formalities at all times.
Kihon (basics)
1. Strikes
kizami tsuki (jab)
nukite (spear hand)
yoko geri kekomi (side thrust kick)
yoko geri keage (side snap kick)
2. Blocks
shuto (sword hand)
3. Stances
kokutsu dachi (back stance)
Students must be able to apply the above techniques and stances to basisc moving or stepping combinations.
Foot and hand positioning must be correct to illustrate readiness for making contact with intended target. For example, front kick - toes pulled back, foot in line with shin bone.
Kumite (sparring)
3 step pre-arranged sparring (sanbon kumite)
Students must be able to perform all requirements for initiating and completing sanbon kumite (see 5th kyu requirements).
Techniques must be delivered on target with good control.
“Visual and physical awareness and good posture” (zanshin) must be present at all times.
Distance from target is not a main concern at this time.
After the 3 attacks are completed, the defender must be able to counter using tai sabaki (side evasion), while showing a strong counter punch delivered on target and with good control.
Kata (pre-arranged forms)
Required kata for this level:
1. Heian Shodan
2. Heian Nidan
At this level, students must demonstrate a complete understanding of all movements within the kata.
Speed and power is not demanded at this time, but proper timing must be followed. Emphasis should be placed on good posture and good stances; strong execution of technique; proper stepping, turning and foot placement; energetic kiai and zanshin.
Note: All shotokan kata should start and finish in exactly the same spot if all stances, stepping and turning are executed properly.